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More Illustrations!

This is the same picture as the final, just without the excerpt.
ColanBoggess InFamous2 Final without Excerpt
This is the picture that I originally modeled Cole (the character in the picture for those who don't know) and the lightning from. This was then moved into the picture above.
ColanBoggess InFamous2 Complete Illustration on Original Image
Another one of the same picture from above, just incomplete. There are minor differences between, but there are some...can you find them?
ColanBoggess InFamous2 Almost Complete
Ah, the starting point of the illustration process. This is just an outline of what was yet to be illustrated. I started doing this, then proceeded to the picture above.
ColanBoggess InFamous2 Start on Project
Here is the original picture that I used to put the Cole illustration onto.
Original Background Image
Lastly, here is the original picture that I used to model Cole from.
ColanBoggess InFamous2 Cole Reference Orignal Image
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